Symptom Decrease

The research examined the Biosound Therapy System, which was designed to enhance the treatment of addiction disorders and symptoms associated with them. The research examined client’s self-reports on the physiological, psychological, and emotional variables shown in the chart below. Each client was presented with a Likert type 10-point scale with 10 being the most severe and 1 being the least and they were to rate themselves both pre-session and post-session. Each response was averaged over all sessions according to the general criteria shown below. A statistical evaluation was performed to determine if readings were statistically significant. There was a statistically significant reduction between their higher pre-session scores, versus their post-session scores.
Full Research Article Research Outcome OverviewExecutive Director of Willow Place For Women in Ashville, NC
Long Covid Study
Results of a pilot study indicated possible results for people suffering from Long COVID
A natural treatment option for Long COVID needs further study
Biosound Therapy is an underresearched treatment that may improve post-viral illness
Audio Therapy Significantly Attenuates Aberrant Mood in Residential Patient Addiction Treatment: Putative Activation of Dopaminergic Pathways in the Meso-Limbic Reward Circuitry of Humans
Citation: Morse S, Giordano J, Perrine K, Downs BW, Waite RL, et al. (2011) Audio Therapy Significantly Attenuates Aberrant Mood in Residential
Patient Addiction Treatment: Putative Activation of Dopaminergic Pathways in the Meso-Limbic Reward Circuitry of Humans. J Addict Res
Data collected electronically, study correlated and compiled by William B. Secor PhD Researcher and Richard D. Froilan-Davila PhD.
Complete article, study and statistical data available upon request.
Results from an early outcomes study taken at an all-Women’s Recovery Facility measuring the effects of Biosound Therapy. This is a three month study with clients participating in the therapy and their immediate results. The bar and line charts depict the negative emotions, anxious thru tired. Also, included is a bar chart (below) showing the increases in feel good areas, e.g. peaceful, happy, positive and excited. The effectiveness of Biosound Therapy in reducing the physiological/emotional indices of stress, anxiety, and frustration etc.
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